Day 10: Automating Log Analysis with Bash Script - Log Analyzer and Report Generator
Table of contents
Log files are essential for keeping systems running smoothly, helping with troubleshooting, and ensuring everything is maintained properly. However, going through these files by hand can be both boring and prone to mistakes. In this blog, we'll look at a Bash script that makes log file analysis easier by automating the process and creating a daily summary report. This script not only processes logs but also spots errors and critical events, and it even archives the logs once they're processed. Let's break down how it works, step by step.
Key Features of the Script
Input Handling: Accepts the log file path as a command-line argument.
Error Analysis: Counts the total number of error messages in the log file.
Critical Events: Finds and lists lines containing critical events, along with their line numbers.
Top Error Messages: Identifies and ranks the top 5 most frequent error messages.
Summary Report: Generates a detailed summary report with all analysis results.
Archiving Logs: Automatically moves processed log files to an archive directory for safekeeping.
The Script
Here’s the complete Bash script for log analysis:
bashCopy code#!/bin/bash
# Function to display usage information
function display_usage {
echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/log_file"
# Check if the log file is provided and exists
if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
echo "Error: Please provide a valid log file path."
exit 1
# Assign variables
report_file="log_summary_$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').txt"
# Step 1: Initialize variables
declare -A error_count
# Step 2: Count total lines in the log file
total_lines=$(wc -l < "$log_file")
# Step 3: Count error occurrences and store error messages
total_errors=$(grep -c "$error_keyword" "$log_file")
grep "$error_keyword" "$log_file" > "$temp_file"
while IFS= read -r line; do
message=$(echo "$line" | sed -E "s/.*$error_keyword: (.*)/\1/")
error_count["$message"]=$((error_count["$message"] + 1))
done < "$temp_file"
# Step 4: Extract critical events with line numbers
critical_events=$(grep -n "$critical_keyword" "$log_file")
# Step 5: Identify top 5 error messages
top_errors=$(for key in "${!error_count[@]}"; do
echo "${error_count[$key]} $key"
done | sort -rn | head -n 5)
# Step 6: Generate the summary report
echo "Log Analysis Report"
echo "===================="
echo "Date of Analysis: $(date)"
echo "Log File: $log_file"
echo "Total Lines Processed: $total_lines"
echo "Total Errors Found: $total_errors"
echo "Top 5 Most Common Error Messages:"
echo "$top_errors"
echo "Critical Events Found:"
echo "$critical_events"
} > "$report_file"
# Step 7: Archive the log file (optional enhancement)
if [ ! -d "$archive_dir" ]; then
mkdir -p "$archive_dir"
mv "$log_file" "$archive_dir/$(basename "$log_file")_$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')"
# Cleanup temporary files
rm -f "$temp_file"
# Notify the user
echo "Log analysis complete. Summary report saved to $report_file."
echo "Original log file archived in $archive_dir."
Step-by-Step Explanation
1. Input Validation
bashCopy codeif [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
echo "Error: Please provide a valid log file path."
exit 1
The script checks if the user has provided a log file as a command-line argument.
If no argument is provided or the file doesn’t exist, an error message is displayed, and the script exits.
2. Variable Initialization
bashCopy codelog_file="$1"
report_file="log_summary_$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').txt"
The script assigns variables for the log file, report file, and archive directory.
is a temporary file for intermediate processing.
3. Line and Error Count
bashCopy codetotal_lines=$(wc -l < "$log_file")
total_errors=$(grep -c "$error_keyword" "$log_file")
Counts the total lines in the log file using
wc -l
.Counts the total errors by searching for the keyword
withgrep -c
4. Storing Error Messages
bashCopy codegrep "$error_keyword" "$log_file" > "$temp_file"
while IFS= read -r line; do
message=$(echo "$line" | sed -E "s/.*$error_keyword: (.*)/\1/")
error_count["$message"]=$((error_count["$message"] + 1))
done < "$temp_file"
Filters all error lines into a temporary file.
Extracts error messages using
and tracks their frequency using an associative array.
5. Critical Event Extraction
bashCopy codecritical_events=$(grep -n "$critical_keyword" "$log_file")
- Searches for lines containing
and includes the line number usinggrep -n
6. Top 5 Error Messages
bashCopy codetop_errors=$(for key in "${!error_count[@]}"; do
echo "${error_count[$key]} $key"
done | sort -rn | head -n 5)
- Collects all error messages and their counts, sorts them by frequency in descending order, and picks the top 5.
7. Generating the Report
bashCopy code{
echo "Log Analysis Report"
echo "===================="
echo "Date of Analysis: $(date)"
echo "Log File: $log_file"
echo "Total Lines Processed: $total_lines"
echo "Total Errors Found: $total_errors"
echo "Top 5 Most Common Error Messages:"
echo "$top_errors"
echo "Critical Events Found:"
echo "$critical_events"
} > "$report_file"
- Compiles all analysis results into a well-structured summary report.
8. Archiving Logs
bashCopy codeif [ ! -d "$archive_dir" ]; then
mkdir -p "$archive_dir"
mv "$log_file" "$archive_dir/$(basename "$log_file")_$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')"
Creates an archive directory if it doesn’t exist.
Moves the processed log file into the archive directory with a timestamped filename.
9. Cleanup and Notifications
bashCopy coderm -f "$temp_file"
echo "Log analysis complete. Summary report saved to $report_file."
echo "Original log file archived in $archive_dir."
Removes the temporary file used for error processing.
Notifies the user about the completion and locations of the report and archived log.
How to Use the Script
Save the script to a file, e.g.,
.Make the script executable:
bashCopy codechmod +x
Run the script with a log file as the argument:
bashCopy code./ /path/to/log_file.log
This Bash script simplifies log analysis and ensures systematic reporting and archiving, making it an indispensable tool for system administrators and developers alike